How to appear politically correct

From ArticleWorld

To appear politically correct you need to know and understand the intricacies and the nuances that make up political correctness. To be politically correct means to use language that gives minimum offence especially to sensitive people discussing sensitive issues. These days for the want of something better to do people have developed an intolerance for anything that they perceive as a threat to their ideologies and principles. These ideologies may have a political or religious color or they may concern gender. Anything that gives them a chance to vociferously strike out against the norm (or which has been known to be a norm from time immemorial) is cause enough to take up cudgels against the ‘offenders’. Here are some pointers to stay out of trouble.

A few suggestions

  1. Refrain from saying anything that could remotely offend someone. Thus, when in a group talk inane shop and discuss the weather. Just make sure that you do not use the term ‘weatherman’ during your discussion; it could be deemed politically incorrect and you would be branded a sexist.
  2. In large mixed gatherings (or even small homogeneous ones) do not discuss religion or you might find yourself a social outcast for harboring sacrilegious beliefs.
  3. Keep away from all debates that have even a hint of racial flavor to avoid stepping on people’s toes and offending someone unintentionally.
  4. You could not commit a worst mistake, in social gathering, than utter a remark that could be considered to have a gender bias. Not only would the hostess cut you dead you probably would not be invited to any party the season through.


  • Keep the talk light and frivolous and agree with whatever the rest of the group is talking about without voicing your own opinion on the topic.
  • If you do need to talk then make very sure, beforehand, that you are not infringing on any person’s rights (of religion, sexual preferences, race, caste, etc.)


  • Don’t wish each other Merry Christmas, wish Happy Holidays, or it might hurt people’s feelings.
  • Don’t say chairman, say chairperson, everybody is an actor these days, there are no actresses, do remember.