How to earn other people’s love and respect

From ArticleWorld

To earn other people’s love and respect you need to begin by respecting yourself for what you are and what you do. To be liked and respected by others also requires you to like people for their good qualities and respect them for what they are. It is better to be a person who is liked than one who is popular. To demand respect and liking can be hard work. Here are some guidelines to help you in your quest.

A few suggestions

  1. Keep an open mind. Do not judge others and do not form opinions without knowing a person. Remember that if you think good of others they will think good of you. Rate a person by his/ her good qualities not by their faults.
  2. Do not be prejudiced because of someone else’s opinion and because of first impressions. Even if a person is uncivil to you, do not go down to their level by being the same with them. Keep your cool and you will have walked off with people’s respect and the knowledge that you are good at controlling yourself.
  3. Be good at whatever you do and do whatever you are good at. Not only will it bring pleasure and happiness to yourself but also make you popular and well liked by people who care.
  4. If you voice strong opinions then be sure to back them with solid facts. Then again, it is better to listen to other people talking than always making yourself the centre of attraction by hogging all the attention. This may gain you popularity but certainly no respect and liking.


  • Read and be well informed. This is the only way you can hold your own self in any conversation and have people look up to you and respect you.
  • Build a strong self and character. Don’t let people walk all over you and have you bend over backwards to please them. This will earn their pity and derision but not their liking and respect.


  • Don’t overdo the identity bit. If you get bigheaded and self opinionated then you will wind damaging yourself more.