
From ArticleWorld

Alomancy is derived from the Greek words halo (meaning salt) and manteia (meaning divination). Its nomenclature extends to include Halomancy, Adromancy, Idromancie and Ydromancie. It is one of the oldest forms of divination.


There are mainly three methods of alomancy, all of which make the use of salt for predictions.

  1. A salt solution is kept in a bowl and allowed to evaporate. The salt residue makes a definite pattern, which is interpreted by the diviner to answer one’s queries. The exact rationale behind this is unknown but probably a method similar to aleuromancy is followed.
  2. Salt crystals are cast in the air and they either settle down on the ground or get blown away by the wind. The diviner makes predictions based on the patterns formed on the ground and air.
  3. Salt is thrown into the fire and the pattern of flames is noted. The future course of action is decided by analyzing the color, direction and speed of flames. This is also a form of pyromancy (divination through fire).

Salt has always been believed to ward off back luck or as a harbinger of good times. Many superstitions have stemmed from this belief. Accidental spilling of salt is said to be an ill omen and an indication of misfortune yet to befall. Salt is thrown over one’s left shoulder to bring good luck.