How to create a newsletter using your computer and publishing software.

From ArticleWorld

If are familiar with computer and publishing software then you can create a professionoal looking newsletter. You just don’t have to use the preset templates in whatever publishing program that you have, there are other methods that can be just, if not, more effective.

Basic facts

  1. The first thing you need to do is arrange a template for the newsletter. Begin with the page size; letter size is the most appropriate.
  2. Second, you need to set up a layout grid. Your layout grid should, arrange your page margins, separate your pages into columns, and sets up horizontal lines that you can “hang” your copy and illustrations (pictures). For example, page margins of .4” overall, a simple 3 column grid with .125” gutter, and horizontal divisions every 1.” Also, know that the grid simply organizes your fundamentals, columns and art. If you want to try to put more than that, then don’t, the elements, columns and art can only be more than one column wide.
  3. Third, the design for your newsletter should basically have a masthead with a logo, your newsletter’s name ( a basic 30 to 36 point type is fine), the name of your business, issue number and date. If your text part is 7.5 wide x 10' deep, a 7.5 x 2' masthead with about an inch of white space below will be about right. You want your masthead to take up only a third of the depth of the front page, maybe less.
  4. Fourth, teach yourself how to use style sheets, they will save you time. When first starting, use the least amount of styles. In the beginning all you need is the Body text, Headline, Subhead, Caption, Bulleted List, Contact Information.


Do keep the font's small. It is best that you choose one from the serif type family-Times family- for the body of your text and captions. Next, choose one sans serif, Helvetica family, for headlines and subheads. Do know that there are different serif types like Times or Garamond. The Times and Garamond makes the text in your newsletter easier to review, so do begin with a Body text style of 9 point Times and 10.5 spacing. Do defy the need to make your fonts too large. A 9 point body type looks more sophisticated, while 10 point just looks like a novice has done it. Do use only your finest pictures and clip arts ( there are websites that offer free clip art) and don’t make them too big.


Don't leave words by themselves at the end of your paragraphs. This rule goes for single lines orphaned at the top of columns. To help fix this problem, make sure you edit your newsletter. What also can help is simply changing the character width or tracking, but don’t overdue the tweaking or your copy will lack consistency. Don't forget to use your spell-check! Don't forget to arrange your body text style so that you are in charge of your control hyphenation. You don't want more than two consecutive hyphens. Your viewers eyes will need to rest, so leave some white space.

There is no need to have every space crammed with copy or pictures. So, don't do it. Also, leave a space between a period and the beginning of the next sentence. Don’t leave two spaces. Special effects are nice, but once again you don't want to over do it.