Network architecture

From ArticleWorld

The development of the computing industry has brought about a new form of network architecture; known as the distributed computing architecture. The main characteristic of this form of network is that it involves the use of the active and passive aspects of the telecommunication networks, better known as the Internet and PSTN respectively.

Standards of network architecture

As the realm and technicality of network architecture has grown to be very vast and thus, having the capacity to have a multitude of options, there has been a set of standards set down for the terming, definitions and use of various network architectures.

The most widely acclaimed sets of these standards are the Federal Standard 1037C and the MIL-STD-188. These handbooks are consdtantly being upgraded as it keeps up with the developments in the world of network architecture, including telecommunicatiuon, computing and networking.

Recent developments of network architecture

There exists a relatively new form of network architecture called context aware network that is assisting the network developers in unprecedented ways. An exciting new development, this form of network has been successful in synthesizing the positive developments of the passive network, or the Internet as we know it, and the intelligent computer network, better known to us as the telephone network, PSTN. With this successful bringing together of the two elements of networks, there has thus opened up a vast new dimension of capabilities and possibilities for networking.