
From ArticleWorld

Symbolism is the use of representation, which is usually pictorial but not only, which comes to mean a concept because of the arbitrary attachment of meaning to it. The symbol in itself is meaningless until a consensus has been reached regarding its meaning. This is not to say that the same meaning will be attached to a symbol by everyone, everywhere. What a symbol means to one culture or area is not necessarily what it means to another.

Many cultures use elaborate symbol systems to represent language as well as other concepts such as chemistry, plants or the weather. A symbolic system is a system of symbols with interconnected meanings.

In language and literature

All forms of language are symbolic in that they are based on the representation of sounds, or phonemes. The written forms of the language also correspond to the phonemes. In literature, symbolism is used extensively especially by fiction writers who use rhetorical devices such as imagery and metaphors to represent or induce an emotional response from the reader.

In religion

The use of symbolism in religion creates a resonance in that the symbols come to have a deep significance and become synonymous with the teachings of the religion. A religious text, a ritual or a work of art can all be regarded as a symbol of an idea or ideal.

In psychoanalysis

Freud and Jung considered symbolism to be indicative of inner thoughts and emotions and used symbols in free association to interpret psychological states.