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Hernia represents the protrusion of organs or tissues outside the cavity where they normally lay. It commonly occurs in the abdominal area, if the abdominal wall is weak enough to allow a hole to form. The fat tissue is the first one to protrude, but it may be followed by organs like the intestines, displaying a visible and sometimes painful lump. Untreated, hernia can lead to many conditions, including intestinal blockage and gangrenes.

Hernias can be repaired surgically, often repairing the weakened spot with synthetic materials. Recovery takes a small time, although heavy effort is not allowed for a while.

Inguinal hernias

The inguinal hernia is one of the most common types of hernia. The inguinal hernia, which involves the accumulation of the abdominal contents in a cavity in the inguinal canal. They are more likely to occur in males than females, so the protrusive contents sometimes enter the scrotum eventually.

Inguinal hernias appear in two forms: direct and indirect. The indirect inguinal hernial involves a congenital weakness at the apex of the inguinal canal, through which the organs and tissues protrude. In indirect inguinal hernias, the protrusive contents directly enter the inguinal canal through a weaker spot in the back wall.

Other hernias

Other type of common hernias include:

  • Umbilical hernia, where the intraabdominal contents protrude through a weak spot in the place where the umbilical cord was connected to the body. They often resolve spontaneously, although some people simply push the protrusive content back in the abdomen, but this is not recommended.
  • Femoral hernia, where abdominal contents protrude through a weak spot created by the blood vessels that run towards the femur.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia, where the contents of the upper abdomen enter the chest cavity.
  • Obturator hernia, where tissue protrude through the obturator canal.
  • Spigelian hernia, where the protrusive contents push back through the linea semilunaris.