How to clean your keyboard using compressed air

From ArticleWorld

Caring for a keyboard may prove quite tricky. The keyboard is almost always exposed to dust, and its performance is very sensible to it. As dust and other particles gather underneath the keys, you will feel an overall degradation of your keyboard's performance and easiness in typing. Here is how to clean it:


  1. Shut down the computer and disconnect the keyboard.
  1. You can quickly clean the keyboard by simply turning it upside down and using a can of compressed air to blow dust from underneath the keys. This ensures that the bigger particles are cleaned, but doesn't thoroughly clean everything.
  1. If you are still not happy, remove the keys completely, using a screwdriver. Now blow out anything on the membrane inside the keyboard's case and clean it up with a clean cloth. You may also want to clean the keys themselves.


Avoid connecting or disconnecting the keyboard while the machine is running. This may cause damage to the mainboard.

Make sure that you remember the correct location of all the keys. If you do not know the locations by heart, use a diagram. You can use Windows' On-Screen keyboard if it is available, since it shows a diagram. You can also use Google to find one, or simply use the box in which your keyboard came, as it probably has a picture of it.