
From ArticleWorld

Australia nicknamed the thirties as the dirty thirties. In eastern and central Europe the solution for depression was dominating the region with fascism, Nazism, Stalinism. These were war oriented economic policies and emphasized heavy industrial development. In East Asia the rise of militarism transpired. In Western Europe, Australia, and the United States a whole list of reforms occurred to find solutions that were not extreme. Roosevelt attempted to use government spending to try to undo the high numbers of unemployment and negative growth. In the end, it would be world war two, which began in 1939, that would end the depression.


Science and technology

nuclear fission is discovered ; Pluto, the ninth planet Mars or system was discovered ; the term ecosystem is first used; airmail across the Atlantic begins; radar is invented ; Disney adopts tricolor Technicolor for cartoons ; blood transfusions are made safer .


Socialists proclaim the death of capitalism; Adolf Hitler and Nazism gain power of Germany; Spanish civil war; the empire of Japan invades China; the start of world war two

Global economics

Global great depression runs rampant.

Coulter, art, religion

First intercontinental commercial airline flights; the wizard of Oz; swing music becomes popular; in 1938, superman debuts; golden age of radio begins in the United States.