French fries

From ArticleWorld

In places where they are chips they are also known as French fries. The name French fries refers to the thinner American version, unlike the thicker chips found in other places, especially in Europe.

Origins in the name

French fries are a dish that derives from potatoes that have been fried in a French manner. Another option is that the term French is a style of cutting that is to cut the potato thin and lengthwise. These seems like the most simple answer, yet it isn’t quite that simple.

Nobody is totally certain where these appetizers originated from so the actual name is a mystery. Some believe that it originated with the Germans and was changed. This seems highly unlikely as Germans were never known for making these and have never brought the dish to the rest of Europe or to the United States.

The Belgium people lay claim to this invention as well, as do the Spanish and the British. Who did invent this spud appetizer is not entirely know, but they are known as French fires and that may never change.


There are so many variations of French fries to do them justice, but here are the main types that can be found anywhere in the modern world.

Thick cut French fries are referred to as chips in Britain and are famous with a serving of fish. These are a bit thicker than the traditional thick cut fries, but are among the more common of types. Typical thick cut fries are found throughout Europe.

The Shoestring French fries are found in the United States, although these are even thick compared to the true shoestring French fries which are about one and one half cm in diameter.

There are also the steak fries which are also gaining popularity in areas of the United States, these are French fries that have the skins still on, these are famous with melted cheese and bacon bits.

There are also curly fries and season fries that are nicknamed Spicy Fries. These two are commonly combined in various countries.

The final common one are the Waffle Cut Fries, these are thick chip shaped fries that are cut in the shape of a waffle, hence earning their name. There are a number of fast food places that have made these a common side dish in the United States.