How to explain the meaning of Christmas

From ArticleWorld

Christmas is a holiday that symbolizes peace. Even in wartime, the factions at war have been known to lay down their arms for this holiday.


  • The first thing that you should do is sit down with you children and ask them what Christmas means to them.
  • Explain to them that Christmas is not just a holiday that Santa leaves presents under the tree.
  • Explain to your children the reason why Christmas is celebrated every year, and what the religious implications are. If you are not sure, get a bible and read the passages about Christmas.
  • Explain to your children that in the catholic religion, Christmas is the day that Jesus was born and that it is the most sacred of holidays.
  • Explain to your children that Christmas is a time to celebrate family and friends and all the blessings you have received throughout the year.
  • Explain to your children that the practice of gift giving is not just to receive a "cool" present. It is the art of sharing and giving gifts from your heart.
  • Explain to your children that that there are people who are underprivileged, and cannot provide extravagant gifts for their loved ones. The create gifts from their hearts and their families love them even more for it.

meaning of Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving. It is a time for sharing the love of friends and family, to remember the Christmas' that have gone by, and our loved ones who are no longer with us.

More and More, Christmas is becoming commercialized. Keeping up with the Jones' is becoming more expensive every year. The intention of Christmas was not to go into debt from buying presents. The true spirit of Christmas is love, and peace, and good will toward men.