How to get started using TeX

From ArticleWorld

TeX is currently the de-facto typesetting standard in the academic world. This happens due to its extreme ease of use when separating content from shape, effectively allowing one to concentrate on what he is writing rather than how it looks.

TeX is also a very complex tool and language though. Its origins can be traced almost 30 years ago, and the developers have concentrated only on hunting bugs since 1984. Therefore, you can expect to have a robust and stable tool.

Still, TeX may look somewhat unfriendly to you if you have only used WYSIWYG editors until now. But there is a start with everything. Here is one way to start using TeX.


  1. Get a TeX distribution. teTeX is probably one of the most widely used system and a standard on most Unix platforms. In fact, if you are using a Unix or Unix-like operating system, chances are it already comes as a pre-compiled package, so you often need not do anything but install a package. On Windows, proTeXt is a common choice for beginners, being very easy to install. TeXShop is equally popular on Macs.
  2. Learn the basics. There are several tutorials on the Internet, with the definitive starter's guide at . It may seem a bit overwhelming at first, but try not to memorize everything. You will learn about the various features as you go.
  3. Try to typeset as many documents as possible with TeX. Write your research papers, letters, CVs and invitations, design your CD labels and help manuals with TeX.
  4. Use CTAN ( CTAN, the Comprehensive Tex Archive Network is a library of TeX resources. If something exists in the TeX world, you will find it here.


There are WYSIWYG editors for TeX available. TeXmacs is the closest you get to Microsoft Word, and LyX is available, too, although it is not completely a WYSIWYG tool. Still, you are advised to let go of WYSIWYG, because it is very inflexible.

You may find a TeX IDE like Kile useful for doing this at first. In time, the geek in you will be able to use only a text editor like Notepad or emacs.