How to pack a surfboard

From ArticleWorld

It can be difficult to pack your surfboard for travel. Surfboards are big and clunky, and they don’t fold. So if you’re going to be at the beach for a while, how do you pack your inflexible friend?


  1. Use a board bag. A hardcover board bag will keep your board free of dings.
  2. Wipe the wax from your board. If you leave it on, it is liable to melt.
  3. Take the fins from your board if they are removable. If not, place a cardboard box around the fins.
  4. Use a board sock if you are able.
  5. Buy some pipe insulation covering from a hardware store. Cut it to fit around the rails of your board. Tape this down.
  6. Wrap your towels and clothes around the vulnerable areas of your board.
  7. Put the board into your board bag. Stuff the bag full of extra clothes and padding for an extra bit of protection.


When you are filling the bag with clothes, be careful to pack the bag evenly. Uneven weighting will make the bag top heavy.

Put in a ding repair kit, as dents are inevitable.

Some carbon sandwiches can explode in flight, due to the lower air pressure. These should have a plug which will allow air to circulate in and out of the surfboard. Open this before you pack (but remember to close before you start surfing.)

Many airlines charge to carry board bags. Shop around and find one that will accept you.