
From ArticleWorld

An infant is a very young child, also typically referred to as a baby.

Other terms

  • The legal term for an infant is a minor (the general term for a child).
  • Newborn infants are called neonates, referring to the final gestational phase through the first three months of life.
  • A newborn is a human infant that is less than 28 days old.
  • Premature infants are those born before the due date.
  • Postmature infants are those born after the due date.


A newborn has narrow shoulder sand hips with a protruding abdomen; arms and legs are somewhat short. Average weight ranges from 6-10 pounds and the typical body length is 13-20 inches. Premature infants are usually much smaller than this.

Infants have thin body hair, which is called lanugo. Lanugo can mostly be seen on the back, forehead, shoulders, face and ears and it disappears within a few weeks.

The umbilical cord is bluish white and is immediately cut by the physician, who leaves a stub that eventually dries and falls off.


Newborns can feel a variety of sensations but most commonly respond in a positive way to stroking, caressing and cuddling. They like gentle rocking movements and warm baths. They often have an instinctive need to suckle.

Initially, they’re only able to focus on objects directly in front of them and like objects that are shiny or have a sharp contrast in colors (or complex patterns).

Infants can hear sounds from birth, but usually first responds to female voices over those of men.

They respond to a variety of tastes (like sour, sweet, salty and bitter) and are believed to have a preference toward sweet tastes. They also have a sense of smell at birth and it develops rather quickly.