Islamic symbolism

From ArticleWorld

Islam is a monotheistic religion in which the worshipping of any symbol as sacred is forbidden and Islamic symbolism is mostly made up of representations which have come to be identified with the religion over time. In the Qu’ran, the holy book of Islam, and Hadith, which are collections of the sayings and actions of the prophet Muhammad and his followers, there are no art works designated as being symbols of Islam.

For the decorating of their mosques and homes, Muslims usually use calligraphies of versus from the Qu’ran. There are, however, some representations, places and events which could be considered symbolic of Islam.

Star and crescent

The star and crescent, which is found on many flags in the Islamic world, is thought by many to be an official representation of Islam, but this is incorrect. The star and crescent is actually the insignia of the Ottoman Empire and came to be used during the spread of Islam. Its use today in connection with the religion is controversial for many as it is a polytheistic symbol.


The colour green is thought to be a symbolic colour for Muslims but this theory has not been supported by academics. There are four colours which dominate the flags of the Arab world and these are white, black, green and red.

Other symbols

The Kaaba, which is a building inside the mosque Masjid al Haram in Mecca, is the holiest place in Islam. Muslims turn in the direction of the Kaaba when they pray.

The Shi’a Muslims celebrate the anniversary of the death of Husayn bih Ali who was the grandson of the prophet Muhammad and died a martyr’s death in the Battle of Karbala in 680CE. This day is seen by the Shi’as as a symbol of the struggle against inequality.