Music Hall

From ArticleWorld

Music Hall is a term used in connection with a British form of theatrical entertainment. Its meanings are:

  1. A form of entertainment that is formed of music, comedy and speciality acts, making up a performance;
  2. The music that is used in such a performance;
  3. The building in which the show takes place.


Music Hall history can be traced back to the 17th century and it began with performances at different summer festivals. Because of the influence of the Commonwealth, they were restricted at first. After 1660 these restrictions were lifted because of the restoration of the monarchy and several entertainment rights were given to personalities. Some of them embraced music hall and realized the potential it had. Living in a country where people needed shows and not drama, theatres were nearly extinct until the 18th century. The poor could not afford to see the expensive performances. Fairs had the power and locals of all ages and social stature loved to see singers, dancers, jogglers and all sorts of speciality acts. As time passed music halls began to wane in popularity and eventually disappeared, being replaced by films as the new popular form of entertainment.

Music Hall Music

Music Halls initially included traditional folk music as accompaniment. By 1850 it had developed in a new musical genre, being characteristic of the performance to include it. Large orchestras were being used and music hall was regarded to as a perfect method of introducing the common man to a cultivated environment. People did not want that and the genre moved from the streets back to the taverns and bars from which it originated.

Eventually music halls (buildings) were built. Because of the enormous popularity and the lack of music to cope with it, professional song writers were hired. They combined several musical genres to create the new one, that was going to remain untainted until present time. It became a mixture of American Minstrel songs, Irish, polka, waltz and traditional British folk music.

The most common music hall song consisted of a singer singing verses and at the chorus more people joined in. They invited all the listeners to sing with them and made it very popular. Some songs are still remembered nowadays although they are not composed any more and the music hall genre is officially dead.