Political party

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A political party is a group that represents a political ideal and attempts to gain governmental control through mass public support. Political parties are represented by nominated persons called politicians. It is the job of these representatives to create policies and laws to govern the general populous. Political parties often represent certain ideological stand points, which can often be categorised as left, central or right wing politics and there extremes.


Political parties are self-governing autonomous collective who nominate representatives from a leader, through to other important positions like part secretary and chancellors or the equivalent. Elected officials will then ordinarily stand in a public election against representatives from other political parties. It is in these general elections that a political party is elected into government, either as the governing party or as the opposition.

Electing Parties

Political parties can vary in size, ethos and in their ambitions. Democratic governments usually comprise of one governing party and one or even two main opposition parties. Smaller subsidiary parties holding a small number of positions in the government may also exist, but hold very little strength in the overall manoeuvring of legislative procedures. The different parties are separated by their number of representatives or seats, with the ruling party having the most and the main opposition controlling the second highest. The majority of ruling governments in the world have either two or three main parties, but often there are a number of independent, extremist, green or parties with particular grievances with state policy or another issue.

Types of Political Party

In extremist governments like fascist, unilateral or communist controlled states there may only be one main ruling Political party, with opposition being only on a small protestation level. In a democratic government parties from all aspects of the political spectrum, left wing socialists, right wing conservatives and in the centre are the liberals. These are the three main forms of political party in democratic systems, variations and small differences in policy may exist but each party with a particular left or right stance shares a basic fundamental ethos. Traditionally left wing socialists represent the lower earning section of society with strong links to unions and right wing conservatives have a link with strong business based policy and a more nationalistic sense of policy.