Red Hat Enterprise Linux

From ArticleWorld

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a commercial Linux distribution aimed at the enterprise market. Red Hat undertakes to support every release for at least seven years after it appears, also offering complete technical support and free updates at every new release. Releases are published every 18 months.

Red Hat offers four variants of the distribution:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Server (AS), a server version aimed at large computer systems
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Edge Server (ES), a server version aimed at medium servers
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation (WS), a version aimed at a power user's desktop
  • Red Hat Desktop, a version for small workstations


Red Hat Enterprise Linux includes several administration tools, including a fully graphical administration environment. The default desktop environment is Gnome, but KDE is also available.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is based on the RPM package management system, the traditional package manager used by Red Hat. It also includes a number of utilities, providing some functions which are not available in the RPM package manager, like automatic dependency resolving.

Red Hat's Linux is one of the preferred distributions when it comes to commercial software availability, partly due to RPM being an important component of the Linux Standard Base specifications. It is also because Red Hat guarantees a certain number of specifications to be met and a strong financial backing, making it a viable platform.