
From ArticleWorld

Teething occurs when an infant’s teeth begin growing in. On average, the process begins at about six months of age and can last a few years before all of the baby or milk teeth come in. In rare cases, teething can begin as early as three months and as late as twelve months. In addition, baby teeth usually appear in female babies sooner than makes of the same age. Dentists and doctors usually recommend brushing an infant’s teeth as soon as they come in but generally do not recommend the use of toothpaste until the child is a few years old.


Teeth usually arrive in pairs and there is a usual order in which they appear. Of course, the order is aguideline and can vary.

  1. Lower central incisors - 2 teeth
  2. Upper central incisors - 2 teeth
  3. Upper lateral incisors - 2 teeth
  4. Lower lateral incisors - 2 teeth
  5. First molars(upper and lower) - 4 teeth
  6. Canines (upper and lower) - 4 teeth
  7. Second molars (upper and lower) - 4 teeth

Signs and symptoms

Teething can be painful. Often babies will chew on objects in order to sooth their gums. Cold teething rings, wet fabrics as well as any other textured object is fine as long as there is not danger posed to the child. Some doctors recommend the use of anti-inflammatries or other child-safe pain relief. Other than the obvious pain of cutting teeth, there are other signs and symptoms to look for.

  • Crankiness
  • Loss of apetite
  • Excessive chewing
  • Swollen or bruised gums
  • Excessive salivation
  • Slightly higher than normal temperature