Toilet paper

From ArticleWorld

The Toilet Paper is a special tissue paper product that is created to be used in the cleaning of the organs in order to remove fecal material after defecation or remaining drops of urine from the genitals after urination.


The first people that used toilet paper were the Chinese in the 14th century. On the other hand, the first factory that created special paper to be used for toilet paper production was built in USA, in 1857 by Joseph Cayetty. Before it appeared, people used different techniques for cleaning themselves, based on social class. Rich people used hemp, lace, wool and poorer individuals had to use their hands when defecating in rivers and washing themselves or improvising by using different materials like leaves, grass, moss, snow, stone, maize husks, seashells or wood shavings. It all depended on country, tradition and the time of the year. Another technique that was popular involved using newspapers as toilet paper. Some publishers adapted to the needs of the consumers. For instance, “Old Farmer’s Almanac” came with a hole built in a corner of the magazine so that it would be usually nailed in an outhouse. Even Sears catalogue did this but after they switched to glossy paper they couldn’t be used as toilet paper anymore. Several readers even wrote to the newspaper publisher to complain because of this fact. Some cultures have the tradition pointing out for the left or right hands to be used for cleaning the needed areas. Some countries deemed impolite and rude the right handshake while others considered it to be the same if one touched you with the left hand.

Modern alternatives

As toilet paper is produced out of paper that is made out of trees several environmental problems appeared during history. People have tried to look for alternative solutions for cleaning after defecation or urination. The bidet played a major part towards the direction when it was invented in France in 1710. Modern bidets have a built in system that pushes water to be used for cleaning the anus and the genital areas and is very popular and considered a must have in countries like Italy and France. Japan also shows at least half of the toilets to have one built. Japanese invented the first toilet that did not need toilet paper in 1980. It uses electronic controls for all the functions, acting like a toilet, a bidet and a dryer at the same time. They were called bidet toilets and such modern accessories have pictograms displaying the right usage of the buttons and some will have built in electronic sensors so that a function like the bidet’s will no be used unless weight is applied on it. Another alternative to toilet paper can be seen in the health faucet. It is actually a mini shower that is held near the toilet so that the user can easily get it.